


About this page

As you likely read on the About page, iTeach places great importance on minimizing the use of energy-intensive services. Consequently, the data in this section is calculated and stored locally.

What does this imply?

This approach avoids several aspects: there's no need to create a user account, hence no need for a database, avoiding the establishment of communications and the use of bandwidth. Additional benefits arise: beyond the ecological goal, infrastructure costs are reduced, and not transmitting information ensures the privacy of your data. Of course, this approach is not without drawbacks.

What issue does this system present?

As you can imagine, local storage poses a challenge in terms of backup. In everyday life, using cloud storage services allows you to retrieve your data in case of local loss. In our case, data loss is irreversible. Moreover, local storage means your data is tied to the machine you're using, resulting in a loss of progress if hardware is changed.

What measures are taken to mitigate risks?

It would be unfortunate not to have a solution for changing computers or simply for creating backups. Therefore, on this same page, you will find action buttons allowing you to export your current progress, enabling you to import it from another location. You can liken this process to saving a backup file, a common feature in video games and other platforms. Thus, you are responsible for managing your own data.

What circumstances could lead to data loss?

Several scenarios may result in the erasure of your progress: during a change (or uninstallation) of the used browser, a hardware replacement, or more rarely, through the use of a data cleaning tool that might clear the information stored by the browser. Statistics are an extra feature and are not crucial to your advancement on iTeach. However, if you value this data, consider backing it up occasionally.