
Welcome to iTeach

iTeach is the go-to ecological platform for diving into the world of programming, regardless of your prior experience. Our courses are tailored to make programming approachable, even if you've never coded before. With a beginner-friendly approach, we simplify complex concepts into easy-to-understand lessons. Whether you're an absolute beginner or have some prior knowledge, iTeach is here to boost your skills and confidence. Explore our courses and unlock the power of programming, regardless of your starting point.

To gauge public interest in the platform and to fund its full-time development, a one-month Kickstarter campaign starting on February 13 is available through this link. Take the time to share the link with your network; spreading the word about iTeach is crucial to ensure its future!

Learn from scratch

Have you ever thought, "This isn't for me, it's too complicated"? While programming may appear complex at first glance, its fundamentals are based on simple logic that anyone can grasp. Don't limit yourself by believing this field is beyond your reach. With our courses and your perseverance, there's no doubt that you can master the basics of programming!

Unlike many traditional online courses, our approach at iTeach is not to turn you into an instant programming expert. Instead, we prioritize a gradual learning process that doesn't overwhelm you with complex technicalities. Our focus is on helping you build a strong foundation in programming, starting with a brief introduction to programming concepts, HTML, and CSS.

The heart of our curriculum lies in JavaScript, where we guide you through a comprehensive understanding of the logic behind programming. This logical understanding serves as the cornerstone for all your future endeavors in the world of coding. Upon completing this course, you'll have the confidence to delve deeper into HTML, CSS, and even create web applications using React, applying the knowledge you've gained effectively.

Theory and practice

Explore the world of programming with iTeach, where theory meets practice. Our platform not only provides courses that demystify programming concepts but also offers the opportunity to put into action what you learn.

At the core of our lessons, you'll find real-world examples and practical exercises. You'll be invited to complete code snippets to achieve the desired result. This approach allows you to quickly verify your understanding and gain practical skills.

Don't let the apparent complexity of programming discourage you. With iTeach, you can learn at your own pace, explore concepts in a playful manner, and enhance your skills by applying what you've learned. We're here to guide you every step of the way in your learning journey. Embrace the challenge and discover how enjoyable and rewarding programming can be!

Features overview

Our courses at iTeach are designed with a strong emphasis on practical learning rather than just theory. We firmly believe that applying what you learn is the key to mastering programming concepts. To facilitate this, we make extensive use of code snippets throughout our courses, each serving a unique purpose.

Our regular code snippets are designed to illustrate concepts by displaying code examples. Additionally, we offer interactive examples where you can view the rendered HTML alongside the code. This visual representation helps you understand the impact of your code on the web page:



  1. item
  2. item

In certain sections of our courses, you'll encounter code snippets focused on CSS. These snippets demonstrate CSS properties and their effects on HTML elements, allowing you to grasp the nuances of styling:


One of the most exciting aspects of our platform is the ability to edit and experiment with code snippets. These interactive snippets provide you with a comprehensive learning experience. You'll find five essential elements in these snippets:

  1. The code window allows you to apply your newfound knowledge.
  2. The render window displays the result of your code.
  3. The reset button, located at the top right corner, restores the original code in case of errors.
  4. The run button, positioned at the bottom right corner, executes your code and displays the result.
  5. The optional hint button on the left offers guidance when needed.

Why not try it out yourself with a simple example?


As you may have seen, you can receive immediate feedback, indicated by a message below the snippet. A green message confirms the expected result, while a red one indicates an error. An incorrect response displays an orange message and suggests an action to show a possible solution. However, be cautious as this will overwrite the currently written code in the editor.

Once you've grasped the fundamentals of programming, you'll be ready to explore advanced topics and work on engaging projects using React. Our platform empowers you to build interactive web applications and turn your programming skills into real-world solutions:

Clicked 0 times

Sometimes, lessons explain concepts that may not always involve coding. However, we don't neglect the learning aspect. Regardless of the content, each chapter is accompanied by a quiz to assess your understanding of the knowledge, whether it's theoretical or practical.



Who is iTeach for?

  • Experienced developers
  • Beginners
  • Everyone

Wrong answer!

While the courses have been written to be understandable for beginners, a wide range of topics is covered across all courses, and even experienced developers might find reminders or new information.

What is the cost of using the platform?

  • A monthly subscription of 30€
  • A one-time purchase of 400€
  • Completely free

Wrong answer!

What is the primary focus of the courses?

  • Lots of theory and complex concepts
  • A mix of theory and practice
  • Solely practical content, with theory available on other websites

Wrong answer!

You have finished the quiz. Results:

Your results suggest that this chapter requires more attention. Take the time to review the chapter material and try to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts.

It's not all: although the courses represent the essential part as well as the initial purpose of iTeach, there are many other features designed to accompany you in your learning journey. You can, for example, discover:

Get started now

At iTeach, we're driven by our passion for spreading knowledge. That's why we offer our courses completely free of charge, and this commitment will always stand. If you'd like to show your support and help us maintain this mission, you can consider making a donation. Alternatively, we'd love to hear from you about your learning journey, the significance of these courses to you, and the valuable insights you've gained. Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with us via email. Now that you're familiar with our platform, we encourage you to dive into the world of programming and embark on your learning adventure. Click below to start your course now.

Begin your course nowNote: The platform intentionally restricts its use of media such as photos and videos to adhere to energy efficiency goals. Few people are aware that the virtual nature of data does not eliminate its ecological impact. Therefore, it seemed essential to us, in our own way and within our scope, to contribute to the preservation of the planet in a field that often pays little attention to environmental concerns. If you want to learn more about our motivations and values, feel free to read our About section.